Legal notice

3- Who are we?

NEWDEAL is the think tank on positive transformation at Havas Paris. NEWDEAL aims to spotlight and bring together the individuals, ideas, and solutions that seek to make the business sector an engaged actor for the common good.

2- NEWDEAL is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data.

NEWDEAL is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. We recommend that you read it before accessing NEWDEAL’s digital content.

This policy informs you of our practices regarding the processing of personal data and how they are collected online and used by NEWDEAL. This policy is easily accessible from our homepage and at the bottom of each page of this website.

NEWDEAL is committed to protecting the right to privacy and the protection of personal data, as well as complying with any national and international regulations that may apply to the protection of such data.

NEWDEAL is committed to preserving the confidentiality of any personal data and strictly limiting its disclosure in accordance with national laws and applicable regulations.

NEWDEAL has adopted this personal data protection policy in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).

3 – How do we process your personal data?

NEWDEAL respects the right of every individual to have their personal data protected. NEWDEAL will observe the following principles when processing your personal data:

Process your personal data fairly, lawfully, and transparently.

Collect your personal data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and not further process it in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

Ensure that the collected personal data is relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is collected and processed. Personal data may be anonymized where possible and appropriate, considering the nature of the data and the risks associated with the intended uses.

Maintain your personal data accurate, updating it if necessary. We will take reasonable steps to rectify or erase inaccurate or incomplete data.

Personal data will be retained for the duration necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and processed.

Personal data processing will be conducted in compliance with individuals’ rights.

Technical and organizational security measures are implemented to secure your personal data and prevent unauthorized access, unlawful processing, and unauthorized or accidental loss, destruction, or damage to such data.

Process your personal data only if such processing is lawful in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR, including if you have given your unambiguous consent where required.

4- Why do we collect and use personal data?

NEWDEAL may collect personal data for the following operations:

profile creation;

information requests;

subscriptions to newsletters and the sending of these newsletters.

5. What types of personal data are collected?

NEWDEAL collects your personal data with your consent, when required, and after informing you appropriately.

Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An “identifiable natural person” is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more specific factors specific to their physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity.

This policy does not cover anonymized personal data, i.e., when individuals are no longer identifiable or can only be identified at disproportionate cost and effort. If anonymous data becomes identifiable, or if pseudonyms are used that allow the identification of natural persons, then this policy applies.

The decision to provide us with personal data is yours. If you choose not to do so, we reserve the right not to register you as a user or provide you with services.

The types of personal data about you that we process may include:

your first name, last name, company, email address, telephone number, LinkedIn account;

your NEWDEAL user ID and password;

your IP addresses.

6. How do we use this data?

We collect and use your personal data for the following purposes:

Newsletter: We collect your personal data when you request to receive newsletters. We use this data to provide you with the information you requested.

Responding to your information requests: If you contact us, we keep records of your correspondence or comments, including your personal data, in a dedicated file. We use this data to provide you with personalized service in case you contact us again.

We will retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

7. What do we do with your personal data?

If you disclose personal data to us, either directly or indirectly, we undertake to:

not sell or rent your personal data to a third party without your permission;

take commercially reasonable measures to protect personal data against loss, unlawful processing, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction;

not process the data except:

> in aggregated form with other data, so that your identity cannot be reasonably determined (e.g., compiling statistics);

> as required by law, for example, in response to a subpoena or search warrant;

> by external auditors who have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the data;

> if necessary, to protect the rights, safety, or property of NEWDEAL, its users, or others; this may include (for example) disclosing data to other organizations or public authorities for purposes of identification, fraud prevention, and/or risk reduction.

8. Your Consent

By providing us with your personal data and/or using the website, you consent to the processing of your personal data by NEWDEAL for the purposes outlined in Article 3.

You also consent to the transfer of your data to countries or jurisdictions that do not offer the same level of data protection as the European Union, if necessary for the purposes outlined above. If such a transfer occurs, we will provide you with assurances to ensure that your data is properly protected. If you provide us with data regarding another person, you confirm that they have authorized you to act on their behalf to process their personal data, including sensitive personal data, and that you have informed them of our identity and the purposes (as described above) for which their personal data will be processed. We do not process the personal data of minors under the age of 16 without the express consent of their parents or legal guardians.

9. Third-Party Websites and Social Networks

NEWDEAL’s websites or services may provide links to third-party applications, products, services, or websites to facilitate your navigation and provide you with information. If you visit these links, you are leaving the NEWDEAL website. NEWDEAL does not control these third-party sites or their privacy and data protection practices, which may differ from ours. We do not endorse or represent any of these third-party sites and disclaim any responsibility for their content and data protection practices. Personal data that you choose to provide us via these sites or that is collected by these third parties is not covered by NEWDEAL’s personal data protection policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any site you interact with before allowing the collection and use of your personal data.

We also provide links to social networks that allow you to share data with your own social networks and interact with NEWDEAL on various social networks. When you use these links, data about you may be collected or shared. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings of the social networks you interact with to understand the data that may be collected, used, or shared by these sites.

If you post, comment, indicate interests, or share personal data, including photographs, on any public forum, social network, blog, or similar forum, please be aware that any personal data you post may be read, viewed, collected, or used by other users of these forums and may be used to contact you, send you unsolicited messages, or for purposes neither you nor NEWDEAL control. NEWDEAL is not responsible for the personal data you choose to post on these forums.

10. What Are Your Rights?

Right of Access

As a data subject, you can inquire about the nature of the personal data stored or processed about you by NEWDEAL. Access to your personal data will be provided to you regardless of the location of processing or storage.

Right to Rectification

If personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request that it be corrected.

Right to Object

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data when NEWDEAL processes your data.

Right to Erasure

You may request the erasure of your personal data in cases provided for by law.

Right to Restrict Processing

You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data where permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

Right to Data Portability

If you meet the conditions set out in laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal data, you have the right to receive a subset of your personal data and transfer it from NEWDEAL to another data controller.

You may also request the direct transmission of your personal data from NEWDEAL to another data controller where technically feasible.

Right to Lodge a Complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authorities.

Any request to exercise the above rights, and any questions regarding this personal data protection policy, should be sent to:


Havas Group,

29/30, quai de Dion Bouton, Puteaux Cedex 92800


11. Changes to this Personal Data Protection Policy

NEWDEAL reserves the right to modify this policy as needed, for example, to comply with changes in law, regulation, NEWDEAL’s practices and procedures, or requirements imposed by data protection authorities.

In such a case, NEWDEAL will inform all data subjects of any changes to this policy. NEWDEAL will publish any changes on the relevant internal and external websites.